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Affordable Housing Property Inspection Checklist

A stress-free comprehensive walkthrough of required components and systems

A property walkthrough check conducted by an inspector to ensure compliance with multiple affordable housing programs including HUD, RD, LIHTC, and other types. Having inspection standards is a critical step in maintaining safe and habitable housing. By systematically examining various aspects of the property, including structural integrity, safety features, plumbing, electrical systems, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, inspectors can identify potential deficiencies and hazards. This thorough assessment helps to ensure that properties meet your agency’s minimum housing quality standards, protecting the health and well-being of residents and promoting a safe living environment.

Using Zeffert’s Inspection Checklist (excel download) serves as a critical tool for both inspecting your property and training your staff on inspections.

NSPIRE, the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate, is a comprehensive inspection system designed to assess the condition of HUD-assisted housing. It aims to improve the quality of life for residents by focusing on health, safety, and functional defects over appearance. NSPIRE inspections evaluate housing units, non-residential interiors, and building exteriors to ensure they are functionally adequate, operable, and free from health and safety hazards. By prioritizing essential living conditions, NSPIRE helps maintain safe and habitable housing for HUD-assisted residents.

The USDA Rural Development (RD) Multifamily Housing Division has implemented a new physical inspection process utilizing the Mortgage Banker’s Association (MBA) Standard Inspection Form 3.03. This process aligns with the inspection standard outlined in 7 CFR 3560.103. The MBA inspection format, commonly used in conventional housing, focuses on both the property’s physical condition and market factors. Unlike traditional inspections with a pass/fail result, this process collects data to assess the property’s overall condition and identify potential maintenance needs. This approach allows RD to make informed decisions regarding property management and future investments.

Zeffert University

Well-trained staff is where every compliance journey begins. It’s where families get keys to their new home and also where operations must be precise. Zeffert University is where multifamily practitioners learn compliance.